Sunday, September 18, 2011


After a disastrous attempt to knit the fichu I came up with a solution.
I decided to just knit a triangle shawl and then count the stitches I needed to apply the fichu border.
There after it took my I day or two to figure out how to begin so that the border would come at the right side and in the end I mastered the puzzle! I do not no exactly what kind of wool I used, because it was in a stash that I got from my grandmother.
The last border with the leafs took like forever. So in between I knitted another multnomah exactly after the one I allready knitted and sold. It is the perfect color to match a pair of jeans.
The project before the fake fichu I knitted a shawl by the name of Cladonia.
I have not blocked them yet and I hope to do that this week.

The project I took on today is a Gail Nightsong and now in a beautiful green alpacka.
Pictures will follow.

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