Monday, March 28, 2011

My first blog

Last weekend has been great !!
I was invited bij Dineke van "de spinners" from Holland to help her to give courses at the Siv (Stickfest i Väst) on an island which is called Grötö in Sweden.
It has been a marvelous weekend!!!
A week before I found out that it was on an island and had to take two ferries to get there.
I can say that it was a small adventure!
First of all there are now cars allowed on the island so we had to park our car at a parkingplace nearby the ferry and get our stuff (and Dineke had a lot of stuff) on the pier and later on on the ferry.
This is the ferry to Grötö
Mostly Dineke´s stuff and a little bit of Marianne and me

Luckely there where a couple of women who helped us carrying everything on the boat.
We got a little extra because the ferry had to go to another island first before he would take us to Grötö.
The weather was excellent as well as the accomodation.
An electric car was waiting for us to get all our stuff to the Västerhav.
 We had to walk the small road to Västerhav.

The key to our small cottage was arrange very quickly and we made ourselfs at home and went to the mainhouse for a lunch.
And during the afternoon a lot of knitters came to the island.
I think we were with about 100 people.
Everywhere you looked people were knitting. It was very cosy.

The food was by the way excellent.
We listened to a speaker and then it was time to have diner and after diner it was time to set up the workshop and Dineke´s shop.

Marianne´s silk scarfs and handspun embroidery yarn 3-ply

A part of Dineke´s shop
Dineke´s shop

We turned in late and tired after all the impressions.
The next day was an early morning because the lessons started at 09.00 am.

Lena on the electric spinningwheel from Ashford
Mia making a beautifull thread with silk on the workshop

Dineke and Marianne had 1 workshop in the morning and 1 in the afternoon and I took care of the shop which was very nice.
On Saturday the workshops were all about spinning silk.
It was amazing how everybody picked it upp so quick.
On Saturday evening their was a knitting contest and Marianne and I participated.
Their were a lot of nice prices to win and everybody went home with something.

Marianne at participating in the knitting contest

Elin and me casting on as preparation on the contest

We made a lot of new friends and we had a marvelous evening with a lot of laughter!
Sundaymorning Dineke and I gave spinning and twining lessons and that was also a succes.

A lot of people went away with a lot of inspiration.
And we went home with a lot of inspiration as well.
Today is a day to reflect and sitting out the cold I got.

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