Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Is it possible to have that much fun with a knitting camp?
The answer is simple: Yes !!
The whole party started with Heidi and Paulina coming over the day before and we had full house with B&B guests. Birgitta came by as well and decided spontaneously to stay over and we had a great time.
Paulina and I did some shopping in Arvika and we picked up Heidi.
The weather was fine and we sat outside to BBQ, a little wine.........
And I had some packing to do.
A bit late, I agree, but sometimes that is what it is.
With a watching eye from Paulina I did what I had to do and packed everything and was not allowed to do anything else until I was ready. Thank you so much Paulina! Sometimes I need that :)

The next morning we were all excited to go on our way.
The car was packed and ready to go and we went through a little checklist and that made me run into the house 3 more times. Sorry........

Finally we were on our way!!
It was a 2,5 hour drive and I did not do that much of knitting.
I ripped out something and have not finished it yet.

And finally we were there!
A warm welcome from all knitters.
We made ourselves at home and install everything (I slept in a caravan, which was fine) and then back to the main building for some knitting.

The catering was very good, nothing to complain about as well as the hosts.

The next day I had a spinning course and I must say that I am very proud of my students.
Here some pictures.

We started with some very fine sliver and later on they spun from tops.
I hope my students had as much fun as I did. I loved it.
It was nice to see everyone being satisfied with the results.

Some of the students tried out the Ashford Joy spinning wheel as well and they were very good at it as well.
Some people took private lessons all by them selves and the results were stunning!

The following day it was time for a Afghan crochet course or a Tunisian crochet course.
I use for the course a thick 1 ply yarn and in this case it was Odin Superwash by Viking.
It makes a lovely, fluffy look at your garment and I love the way it looks this. A bit like if it is woven.
Every thick 1 ply yarn can be used.
I showed them the basics for this type of crochet and something beautiful came out.
For me it is all about letting your imagination go and make your own creations and some students really did!

On Saturdagnight we had a lottery and this is what I won:

All too soon it was time to go home again.
What a lovely long weekend I have had.
Made a lot of new friends and I hope to see you all again very soon.

I have not covered everything that happened because that would mean writing a whole book.
Still hope you will have an impression of Fattigskogen.

Thank you Ulrika från Stickamera for a wonderful camp


  1. Visst var det en fantastisk helg. Spontant, glatt och enkelt. Det roligaste med att du glömde grejer var att du varje gång hann komma tillbaka till bilen och sätta dig innan du kom på/ blev påmind om grejer du glömt ;)

  2. Det var ett roligt stickläger och det var så roligt att få träffa dig :) /Amanda

    1. Hej Amanda,
      Var ett nöje att träffa dig med!

  3. Hey Noes!!

    Dit klinkt als een super gezellig weekend....ik moet ook
    grinneken...ik zie je heen en weer lopen naar de auto met spullen die je toch vergeten was in te pakken.
    Paulina kwam op het juiste moment:) bent een echte "handwerk"juf geworden..stoer hoor!!
    Cursussen geven enzo....het zo uitleggen dat ze je snappen..:)
    Lijkt mij maar moeilijk!
    Ook nog de B&B verzorgen...Druk baassie!!

    Liefs Peet xxx
